Which Cartoon Are You?


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Which cartoon are you?

Ever wondered which cartoon character you are most like? Well, a team of researchers got together and analyzed the personalities of cartoon characters and put the information into this quiz.

Anyway, ready to have some fun? 

Answer each question with the answer that best describes you, then add up the points that correspond with your answer.

   1) What describes your perfect date? 
a) Candlelight dinner for two (Add 4 points). 
     b) Amusement Park (Add 2 points) 
     c) Roller blading in the park (Add 5 points) 
     d) Rock Concert (Add 1 point) 
     e) See a movie (Add 3 points) 

   2) What is your favorite type of music? 
a) Rock and Roll (Add 2 points) 
     b) Alternative (Add 1 point) 
     c) Soft Rock (Add 4 points) 
     d) Classical (Add 5 points) 
     e) Popular (Add 3 points) 

   3) What is your favorite type of movie? 
a) Comedy (Add 2 points) 
     b) Horror (Add 1 point) 
     c) Musical (Add 3 points) 
     d) Romance (Add 4 points) 
     e) Documentary (Add 5 points) 

   4) Which of the following jobs would you choose? 
a) Waiter/Waitress (Add 4 points) 
     b) Sports Player (Add 5 points) 
     c) Teacher (Add 3 points) 
     d) Policeman (Add 2 points) 
     e) Bartender (Add 1 point) 

   5) Which would you rather do if you had an hour to waste? 
a) Work out (Add 5 points) 
     b) Read (Add 4 points) 
     c) Watch TV (Add 2 points) 
     d) Listen to the radio (Add 1 points) 
     e) Sleep (Add 3 points) 

   6) Of the following colors, which do you like the best? 
a) yellow (Add 1 point) 
     b) white (Add 5 points) 
     c) sky blue (Add 3 points) 
     d) teal (Add 2 points) 
     e) red (Add 4 points) 

   7) Which of the following would you love to eat right now? 
a) ice cream (Add 3 points) 
     b) pizza (Add 2 points) 
     c) sushi (Add 1 point) 
     d) pasta (Add 4 points) 
     e) salad (Add 5 points) 

   8) What is your favorite holiday? 
a) Halloween (Add 1 point) 
     b) Christmas (Add 3 points) 
     c) New Year's (Add 2 points) 
     d) Valentine's Day (Add 4 points) 
     e) Thanksgiving (Add 5 points) 

   9) If you could go to any of the following places, which one would it be? 
a) Paris (Add 4 points) 
     b) Spain (Add 5 points) 
     c) Las Vegas (Add 1 point) 
     d) Hawaii (Add 2 points) 
     e) Hollywood (Add 3 points) 

   10) Of the following, who would you rather spend time with? 
a) Someone who is smart (Add 5 points) 
     b) Someone with good looks (Add 2 points) 
     c) Someone who is a party animal (Add 1point) 
     d) Someone who has fun all the time (Add 3 points) 
     e) Someone who is very emotional (Add 4 points) 

Now total up your points and find your character by Clicking Here !!!
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shoelace's Corner

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