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triviaaa Guidelines

Everyone is welcome to come in and enjoy & play in #triviaaa.

There is a large group of people that visit #triviaaa everyday. We want everyone to feel comfortable and enjoy their time while here.

While playing trivia is the main purpose of the room, please try not to be to serious. Having fun is more important than scoring.

Please remember this is a FREE service and people have dedicated their time & computers to this. Do not complain about questions and answers, the bots or the room. If you do see a wrong answer and want it corrected, please research first and make sure you know the right answer & then report incorrect question and answer with question number and the correction to me or to any active OP/s.


1.) Do NOT PRIVATE anyone without asking permission in main room.

2.) Do NOT POST any URL, EMAIL ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBERS  in the main channel. Only URL/email address regarding the room will be allowed.

3.) PIC TRADING is NOT ALLOWED in the channel/server (except for your own personal pictures of yourself.)

4.) PASSWORD TRADING or use of password trading nicknames is  NOT ALLOWED in the channel/server.

5.) NO SPAMMING. We do not allow unapproved solicitations or the posting of commercial websites for the purpose of spamming.

6.) FIGHTING and ARGUING in the room will not be allowed.

7.) We will NOT TOLERATE any NICK/s & POST/s relating to the following:

Underage Nicks & Posts
Incestual Nicks & Posts
Bestiality Nicks & Posts
Scat-Watersports Nicks & Posts
Breath Play-Asphyxiation Nicks
Force-Rape Nicks & Posts
Taboo Posts
Solicitation Posts
Racism Nicks & Posts

REPETITIVE POSTS are allowed, only if necessary.

8.) We DO NOT ALLOW CHEATING in the room. Shortcuts may NOT  be used in answering questions. Appropriate action will be taken if  anyone is caught using shortcuts to answer the questions.

9.) NO STEALING of answers. Try to help if possible especially for those who answered with typos.

10.) While triviaaa is on an adult site, the room's rating is NOT "X".   There are still lines that you should not cross. Fun adult discussion is  OK but DO NOT BE TOO GRAPHIC or OFFENSIVE in your conversations. We don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable while visiting the #triviaaa room. Always remember that what may not be offensive or too graphic for you maybe different for the others. So if you want to be more graphic and talk with someone please do it in private or go to the other rooms that allow this.

11.) triviaaa is a FREE service. If there is an incorrect Q & A, report it to any OP with the question number and correct answer. NO NEED to be biggie about it. We will not tolerate people who will continue to complain about the bot's Q&A in an improper manner.

These rules will be implemented with NO EXCEPTIONS. Do not get offended when an OP warns you. They are only doing their part and if   you think an OP is violating the rules, please email me with the details. As I said, these rules apply to all.

If you are having a problem with someone in the room, please contact an OP and let them handle the problem.

Lets keep #triviaaa a friendly & enjoyable room for all. Please be courteous of each other and the room will be pleasant for everyone.

If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask any OP/s or send your questions/suggestions to
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Site managed by ms_h