Hey triviaaa Addicts !!!
It's been almost a year since we had the first TEAM tournament at
#triviaaa and I think it's about time that we have another one :)
On March 6, 2004,
triviaaa's 2nd Team tournament will be held at the
The rules and mechanics of this upcoming tournament is almost the same as
the first one we had. For the first timers... here are some information:
1.) There will be 10 teams with 5 members each. Tournament is divided into
three sets: Elimination Round, Semi-Final Round and the Final Round.
Elimination Round:
Each team will compete against the other teams. Winning team gets 3
points, and 1 point for the losing team. Each team will be allowed to
answer 80 questions which will be considered as a game against another
team and the individual scores of the members will be added up to be the
team's total score. The total score will then be compared to the total
score of another team which is their opponent for a particular round. In
case of a tie, both teams get 2 points.
Semi-final Round:
After the Elimination Round, the first top 6 teams who gets the most
points goes to the Semi-final round. All scores will be reset to 0. Same
mechanics applies to the semi-final round.
Final Round:
The top 3 teams who gets the most points in the Semi-final round will play
in this round. Same mechanics, and again scores will be reset to 0.
In the Semi final round and Final round, teams may choose to play two
rounds in one sitting with a ten minute interval since some teams have
already been eliminated at this stage so that means other time slots for a
game are free.
2.) The bot that we will be using in this tournament is the same kind of
bot that we have in the #triviaaa room. Standard questions we have at
#triviaaa will be included and additional ones will be added. If there are
errors in the Q & A or repeated questions during the tournament, you
will be given an additional question for any errors or repeated ones.
Each question will be worth 100 points and reducing to 50 points at the
2nd hint and 25 points at the 3rd hint. In this competition since
everyone is on the same team, we are not concerned with what we refer to
as "stealing". The idea of the game is to get the answer as quick as
possible before the points reduce .
If problems occur with lagging of the bot, points will be considered and
added by the moderator of the room. Like when you get it before the second
hint, bot will only give you 50 points instead of 100 points. The
moderator will be the one responsible for such kind of problems that may
occur during the game. Team captains must tally their team's score with
the moderator's records at the end of each game. In this event, the
moderator's logs/screen must be followed.
( Moderators:
ms_hornier and Michelle )
The team's
"unofficial" total score for every game will be announce after the end of
each game. The official scores and stats for each weekend will be posted
no later than Tuesday evening of the following week on this website.
3.) Moderators will wait no longer than 10 minutes for a set game to start
since not only one team is playing during the tournament weekends
especially on the Elimination round. There maybe a next game after your
team. If a team is not complete during a set game, the game will start
even with less members.
Late members of the team
the room during the game, provided that it is your team's set game. Anyone
who will join the #triviaaa_kiosk who is not part of the team playing at
that time will be kicked out. And please don't be offended by this, you
are all welcome in the #triviaaa_kiosk since it is an extension room of
#triviaaa but during the tournament weekends, it will be a moderated room.
It is important to remember that you need to be here the times that your
team has set. This is not purely competition,
4.) During the competition, I will have to ask every participant who uses
mIRC to type "/remote
off" before every
game starts to disable all colors and other features of the scripts you
are using. For those who are using the browser, please
The bot that I will use has its own lag meter. Once the lag meter reaches
4 seconds, I will tell the team that I will have to reboot to get rid of
the lag.
like the !seen and !hint. The bot is set to give out timed hints. It will
only slow down the bot by attempting it.
Moderators will remind your team of the number of questions you have
already answered.
Anymore questions regarding this tournament, you can email it to
triviaaa@pldtdsl.net or call my attention when I am in #triviaaa. If I am
not available, you can relay the message to any OP or post a message on triviaaa's message board on our site :)
I am sure this will be fun for all of us !!! |