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shoelace's Poetry Page


Three dalomecks were frunging down a beeblebaff one day
When one of them unto his fellow dalomecks did say
"When flimping, is it right to have a branglepat or two?
Or should I just use freggons, like my momma used to do?"

His two companions pelvinned, and their crollbacks grundled o'er
And their furrowed brows revealed that they could jandercast no more
They both replied with one accord and spronkled as they spoke
"A branglepat or two is fine, those freggons are a joke!!!"

Offended by this insult to his momma's freggon use
Our hero zullified his two companions with a pruse!!
He instantly regretted this to zullify is bad!!!
And surely these two dalomecks were THE best friends he had!!!

And so, struck by remorse he cried "I'll throw this pruse away."
And never zullify a friend, I swear it, now, today!!!
And so our tale is ended, for they bear no grudge, by heck!
(There's nothing so forgiving as a friendly dalomeck)



Little Miss Muffet
Sat onna tuffet
Eatin' a doner kebab

When along came a spider
An' sat down beside 'er
So she gave da lil fecker a stab

She stuck huh fawk innit
Ten tymz inna minnit
The feckin' lil fing twied ta hide

But she caught it real soon
Smacked it's head wivva spoon
An' kept smackin' until da fing died

Wiv great ease she did cope -
Washed huh handz wiv sum soap
A clean spoon an' fawk she did grab

Then little Miss Muffet
Went back to huh tuffet
And phinished huh doner kebab

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