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Answers to ms_h Quiz


1. Connect the dots.

You cannot connect the dots because you don't have a pen right now, you are holding the mouse.


2. Which is bigger?

The trumpet is bigger than the rabbit. This is a psychological question actually. You are led to believe that you are comparing the elephant and the rabbit but it is actually the trumpet and the rabbit.


NO. You cannot find Kel in that car. First of all, Kel owns a van and not a car. Secondly, Kel is in New Zealand and that car is parked in my garage. Most of all, it is not safe to let Kel drive any car or van. She usually collects at least 2 tickets in a month.


4. Which animal is odd one out?

4. It's not definitely the turtle!!! Three of the animals in that illustration are females including the turtle. So the odd one out is the male animal. Since you know now that the turtle is female, that leaves you to choose who is the male among the three animals left. Need a vet?


5. What is the next letter?

5. I myself cannot complete this sequence because it has so many possible answers. But I really think the letter "I" is the
answer. Here is my explanation. The letter A and B, you can write them with three strokes and C with only one stroke. The
next letter in the alphabet after C that you can write with one stroke is I. Well, it depends really on how you write your I. If you write them with a bar on top and a bar on the bottom then I is definitely not the answer because that will make it three strokes to write that kind of I, right? So "J" is the answer. But hey, there is an issue here again about J being the answer... oh well...


6. Can you find the word "cat" in this puzzle?

6. There is no word "cat". The word "cat" that you can see on that illustration is a typo.


7. If you think the answer is a diagonal line going downwards to the right, then your answer is wrong. You are looking at the maze but you are asked to get through the "invisible underground ".


8. Shadow_Tiger, starlight & bat

Okay, since it is not that easy to come up with questions like this (they are soooo hard!!!), this maybe my last quiz on this site (depends on my lucid intervals... hehehe). I suggest you just stick to answering Brain Ticklers Quizzes, otherwise you may have to visit triviaaa's Funny Farm hehehe...
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