May 2006 Newsletter





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triviaaa Newsletter - May 2006 Edition

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa news.

triviaaa Newsletter -
May 2006 Edition

First off, to the four people who had already pre-booked their Easter holidays for 2006 last year and did actually go to Bumsville, Ohio for the triviaaa room get together, again, my apologies. I thought it had been made quite clear in an earlier edition of triviaaa Newsletter that the event had been cancelled due to financial difficulties. All I can add to this is, I hope you enjoyed the all nude "We Worship The Sun and Eat Only Lentils" (some Woodstock hangover for a bunch of hippies still hoping for a 60's revival, so I have been told) weekend festival that was held there instead. I heard the rain held off. That's something, I guess, eh?

Ok, onto other matters. If you haven't been in for a while in the triviaaa room, you're always welcome back, and if you know of other people interested in playing trivia, we'll give ya 1000 free tokens for the Triviaaa Forum for every newbie you bring to the room. Well ya'll have to ask ms_hornier first, .. never take my word, though 'g' ..but seriously (and I am)... if you do know of anyone that likes to pit their brain against others, send em our way, we always look forward to meeting new and interesting people.

On to the Forum... Winners for last month are:

Treasure Hunt winner for last month went to BaronHumbertVonGikkingen.

Jigsaw Puzzle winners were: Butterfly, Gypsy, BaronHumbertVonGikkingen and Betula.

Our weekly
Auction winners were: Charity, kiley, Jocelynn, ms_hornier, and poetry.

Easter Egg Hunt winners are: firecaster, kiley, Rayne and Cuddlyozcouple.

Brain Ticklers Egghead winner was Butterfly and Jocelynn won ^bat^'s first Caption Game under Naughty Things 101.

Congratulations to all our winners !!!

Ok, that's all for this month. Take care, play nice and be good, or very good at it!

See you all soon!

Remember, if you want to see something added to your newsletter, send in your request to

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)


To view previous triviaaa newsletters, please CLICK HERE.

What's New?

Announcements & info on latest activities in the triviaaa room, the website and the forum!

triviaaa Chat Stats

Check out if you are this month's chatterbox. This page will show you some random quotes from the triviaaa room and chat statistics.

Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



Check out your daily horoscope in our forum!


A weekly quiz for all of you triviaaa addicts!!!  Every Monday a new quiz will be upload here on the site.

Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

triviaaa's DIARY

Share your thoughts to anyone in triviaaa !!!

triviaaa GUESTBOOK

Sign our guestbook!



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