June 2006 Newsletter


Email: triviaaa@triviaaa.com



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triviaaa Newsletter - June 2006 Edition

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa news.

triviaaa Newsletter -
June 2006 Edition

 For those of you whose nation is competing in this month's World Cup, good luck, and go Aussie *S*. Congratulations also to
Sare for becoming the room  and forum's newest op.

Onto something a little serious for just a moment. The triviaaa chat room and Forum is a fun place for every one to join in, every one is entitled to their opinion. But the highlighted word here is FUN. Please, when you are in either the chat room or the forum, be respectful of others. The sole reason of online chat is to wind down from the stress of the outside world. Well that, and to dress up as Santa's elf sex slave come Christmas time but that's another story for another day *S*.

Okay onto the forum -- yes, yes, I know, you want daddy to give you some more juicy stuff, but it's just a short letter this month *G* Again, if you want me to add something into the newsletter just e-mail me at tuta1@bigpond.com and I promise I will look into it for you.

Forum Winners for the month of May

Treasure Hunt winner for this month was Rayne.

Jigsaw Puzzle winners were: Jocelynn, Angi, Butterfly and goddess`of`sunshine

Brain Ticklers Egghead winner for May went to Butterfly.

Auction winners: Charity, kiley, Masshole, ms_hornier and Rayne.

Naughty Things 101
Caption Game for May was won by GullyFoyle.

Congratulations to all our winners !!!

Ok, good luck to your teams in the World Cup, and those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, if you are having a holiday, have a great time, and maybe take some pics and post them in the forum to show us where you've been this summer.

Be safe, be well, and see you next month!

Remember, if you want to see something added to your newsletter, send in your request to triviaaa@triviaaa.com

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)


To view previous triviaaa newsletters, please CLICK HERE.

What's New?

Announcements & info on latest activities in the triviaaa room, the website and the forum!

triviaaa Chat Stats

Check out if you are this month's chatterbox. This page will show you some random quotes from the triviaaa room and chat statistics.

Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



Check out your daily horoscope in our forum!


A weekly quiz for all of you triviaaa addicts!!!  Every Monday a new quiz will be upload here on the site.

Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

triviaaa's DIARY

Share your thoughts to anyone in triviaaa !!!

triviaaa GUESTBOOK

Sign our guestbook!



Site managed by ms_h