July 2006 Newsletter


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triviaaa Newsletter - July 2006 Edition

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa news.

triviaaa Newsletter -
July 2006 Edition

Well, we're half way through the year, world cup has been run and won (by the time you read this... and we won't mention certain refereeing against a certain team but for the record: Go France, in the final *S*) ...and hmm, I wonder if anyone is ever reading this... hehe... I mean, I could just let myself go here, and write all sorts of stuff *g*. This could become a dictatorial newsletter, where I have become almost godlike... or something like that *S* but I promise not to let this egotistical moment go to my head.

Then again... hehe... I sort of feel like I should make this like "letter from America" but of course from Australia... but you know what I mean ...Where I get to have my say ..it's very tempting, I must admit *g* ...but then ms hornier would spank me, and not in that bloody elf outfit she makes me wear every Christmas ... lol.

Ok, that's my A.D.D moment out the way... on to the forum. I was sort of like thinking to myself the other day, which I do a lot… about how to improve the forum... your forum, good people *S*.
Not that it's broke of course. But Alexander the Great didn't just sit on his ass in Babylon after he conquered the place, dining on salted camel nuts (an ancient delicacy back in those days... trust me on that. I was a scribe in his royal court. I could tell you a few stories let me tell ya... and yes, A. D. D. moment is still here). Anyway, yes, so it's always good to improve on things. But we can't do that without your input, because it really is your site, you are what make the forum work. So take a stab, don't be shy, and offer some suggestions as to what you would like to see. Now I now I have said this before so I guess it means I will keep hounding ya til ya do *g*. It's either that or I actually will start telling you stories about past lives like the time I was a bodyguard for Chinese emperor Qin Shi Young and had to escort his daughter and wife across the country but we ummm... won't go into that today.

Ok, before they send me to the tower, onto last month's forum winners:

Happenings in June:

Suzette{SW} is the June 2006 winner of the Treasure Hunt.

Jigsaw Zone winners for June 2006: kiley, Butterfly, Seras, poetry, Betula and firecaster.

Suzette{SW} got a jackpot for Jigsaw Puzzle No. 90

Brain Ticklers Egghead winner for June 2006 is goddess`of`sunshine

Auction winners are Betula, Rayne, Gypsy and ms_hornier.

Gypsy won the Caption Contest under Naughty Things 101 for June 2006.

Congratulations to all our winners!!! *S*

Ok, that's all for this month. Be well, take care and good health *S*

See ya in the Forum

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)

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Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



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Team Tournament

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Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

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