January 2006 Newsletter


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triviaaa Newsletter - January 2006 Edition

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa news.

triviaaa Newsletter - January 2006 Edition

Hello, and Happy New year to everyone !!

A bit of a slow newsletter to start the year with as we all settle back in from holidays. Hope ya'll drank plenty, ate plenty, and drove safely, or not at all under the influence, and I hope Santa gave you what you asked for... if not, forward all complaints to: The North Pole, Letters of Complaints Department, Box 6996, Igloo 4, not Igloo 7 as many from last year were lead to believe. GreenHornet is still a little pissed off at all the death threats that were addressed to his igloo, and he swears he has no reindeers, so you can't be sticking fire crackers up their asses.

Ok, onto the minutes from last meeting. First up, a lot of us are concerned at the disappearance of a jar with a brain in it. there has been no letter suggesting a kidnap, nor a ransom for that matter, but if anyone has seen a talking brain in a jar, can you please post it safely back to triviaaa's circle. If on the other hand it has been kidnapped, or worse, drained of its fluid so as to become all dry and non responsive, then you sick sick puppies, picking on a poor innocence brain, and we don't negotiate with brain terrorists ! ..Just return the brain, you can keep the pot !!!

Now that Christmas is over, the triviaaa trust is focusing on the Easter carnival again. We are still bitterly disappointed that we can't fly everyone in to the old Woodstock paddock for the weekend, but we had all our money invested in ACN, and when they went under, we lost almost everything. So we are still deciding what to do. Maybe the triviaaa Olympics will return this year, if I can convince the boss *S* ..I'll let you know in time.

Onto the forum: The Christmas Workshop has now been closed and archived, but the Stocking Stuffers shop will remain open all year, though it will not be restocked until next Christmas. Those of you who wrote in for 'All I want for Christmas' ..if you did not receive a present, again, refer to the above mentioned, Igloo 4, not 7. Word has it that Secret Santa has sent lots of presents to you peeps, so we'll have the old bugger back next year, I think, and the winners of the Christmas Gift Basket game were
kiley and Gypsy. Well done you two.

Other winners under our normal sections were:
Masshole for December's Treasure Hunt. Nightshade, Betula, Velvet, Gypsy and Jocelynn for Jigsaw Zone, to which Jocelynn won another jackpot too. Our Braintickler's Egghead was Velvet, and the Trivia Enquirer winners for December were Gypsy and Masshole.

Well done to all our winners !

Ok, that's it for our first newsletter of 2006.
See you all next month!

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)

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