triviaaa Newsletter
- February 2006 Edition |
Hello and welcome
to this month's edition of triviaaa news.
triviaaa Newsletter -
February 2006 Edition
Welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa newsletter. Like last
month, not a lot happening, so I have a lot of space to fill *S*
Ok, first up; the minutes from the last meeting: Still no news yet
on whether there will be a triviaaa Olympics this year. The issue
was raised in the meeting, until one of the ops was ...somewhat
accused of using performance enhancing 'fingers' at the last
Olympics, which was the only reason they won it, .. that, and a
brain which ran smoother under the influence of pot. So needless to
say, the discussion of another Olympics went no further than
this.... ..But I will keep you informed if there any changes.
Secondly: Issues with over excessive usage of alcohol at the bar.
This issue was raised by another member, that too much consumption
of alcohol was being used by you peeps whilst paying homage to the
oracle (playing trivia for those of us who don't get that). There
was even more accusations that the oracle itself (the bot) was being
touched up by the inebriated. Now needless to say, I was defending
those that were being accused, but the hierarchy would have none of
it. So, it has been decided, for a while anyway, that a limit of two
drinks per person be put in place for every 100,000 points scored.
Now I know this sounds unfair, and it might seem like we are trying
to hide the fact that we don't even hold a liquor license, and thus,
trying to limit the chances of us getting caught, even though I
swear we have one; this law will be put into effect ASAP. That said:
BYO is still allowed and will not hinder your two drinks per 100 000
Thirdly: There's to be no Easter hunt. We're broke. In fact we are
so broke, even the bailiffs are sniffing around. But we are working
on gaining capital so that we can maintain our much loved annual
events. Like the triviaaa Olympics *S*
Alright, onto the forum news:
As I said, not a lot to report on, so all I can give you is the
monthly winners of our forum games.
Our January winner for
Treasure Hunt
was none other than
Well done Swoosh ! ..Our
Jigsaw zone winners
Velvet, Betula, Gypsy
and Jocelynn.
josie took out the
Brain Ticklers
award, while
kiley, Betula and
were the weekly
Auction winners.
And yep, that's about it ..but if you want me to add something into
the newsletter, something you'd like to see, maybe a funny pic of
the month section, or joke or anything that you may wish to add and
make this newsletter grow bigger, then just give me or ms_hornier a
hoi and we shall see what we can do.
Ok, have a good one, people *S*
See you all next month!
(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer) |
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