April 2006 Newsletter


Email: triviaaa@triviaaa.com



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triviaaa Newsletter - April 2006 Edition

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa news.

triviaaa Newsletter -
April 2006 Edition

First off, to all the new members of the Forum: Welcome, and enjoy the site. We now have 189 members, which, for a small room like triviaaa, is quite impressive. But of course, you don't have to play triviaaa to belong to the Forum, so if you want, tell a friend to have a look http://triviaaa.com/forum/index.php and if they like it, to sign on up.

Ok, another quiet month in our little world. Our monthly winners for March games were:

Betula is the March 2006 winner of the Treasure Hunt

Jigsaw Zone winners for March 2006: Velvet, Jocelynn and josie.

Brain Ticklers Egghead winners for March 2006 are Rayne and Velvet.

Weekly auction winners are Charity, ms_hornier, firecaster and Betula

Congratulations to all our winners !

Onto April: The month of Easter.

The Forum will be holding an
EASTER EGG HUNT. Not the three legged sack race we were going to have, but shit, you al know about that. Anyway: there will be 9 Easter eggs and an Easter bunny hidden, and each will have corresponding points. Once you find an egg, post it and you'll get the points !

Good luck hunting !!!

Ok that's all for now. Remember, if you want to see something added to your newsletter, send in your request to triviaaa@triviaaa.com


Take care ya'll

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)


To view previous triviaaa newsletters, please CLICK HERE.

What's New?

Announcements & info on latest activities in the triviaaa room, the website and the forum!

triviaaa Chat Stats

Check out if you are this month's chatterbox. This page will show you some random quotes from the triviaaa room and chat statistics.

Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



Check out your daily horoscope in our forum!


A weekly quiz for all of you triviaaa addicts!!!  Every Monday a new quiz will be upload here on the site.

Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

triviaaa's DIARY

Share your thoughts to anyone in triviaaa !!!

triviaaa GUESTBOOK

Sign our guestbook!



Site managed by ms_h