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QUIZ 5 - Answers

No. of persons who submitted their answers: 25

1. Name the movie that this car was featured in together with the two  main actors.



2. Name the illustration above and the city and the country where it is located.



3. Name the city and the country.



4. Name the movie and the   actress who originally played   the the little girls. Bonus points for the author of the book on which the film is based.



5. A chessboard can be fully covered with 32 dominoes in size of two adjacent squares on the board.  Suppose we cut off two corner  squares of the chessboard as shown  in the illustration above, is it possible to cover entirely this new board (now consisting of just 62 squares) with the 31 dominoes? Explain why.

NO. The chessboard without two opposite corner squares can't be covered with 31 dominoes because these squares are of the same color.  When we remove them, the mutilated board of 62 squares will contain two more squares of one color than of the other. Each domino always covers two adjacent squares of the chessboard which are always of opposite color. So when you cover (in ANY possible way) 60 squares with 30 dominoes, you will have two squares left, but, unfortunately, of the same color. These two squares are not of opposite color, so they can't be adjacent in any way. Therefore the last domino can't cover them. (11/23) 


6. A bow and arrow costs   $21. The bow costs $20  more than the arrow.  What is the price of each?

BOW is $20.50 / ARROW is $0.50 (15/25)


7.  I am a 10 letter word.
My 9, 6, 1, 2 is something a swimmer may do.
My 5, 4, 4, 3 is not that hot really.
My 7, 4, 3, 2 is a big stick.
My 7, 6, 8, 5, 10 is a small part of something.
My 3, 4, 1, 10 is a special form of friendship.
My 7, 6, 8 is something you can eat.
My whole is an old form of transport.
What am I? 


8.  Which word is the odd one out and why? 

seventy   brawl   clover   proper     carrot  

 swing   change   travel     sacred   stone

 CARROT. Each of the other words remains a real word if   you remove the first and last letter. (8/25)

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