How to Stay On A Diet
  Okay, don't ask.  I just added this link so I will always be reminded too 'coz it is really hard to stay on a diet.  I think I am getting heavier everyday no matter how much I try to lose weight.  So for those of you who are on a diet, this tips may help. 

1.  Pick a good diet plan.  Make sure  you select one that is not only well-balanced, but include food you like.  You must allow enough time to diet.  Crash diets usually depend on changes in water balance for rapid weight loss.  You need to lose fat, not water.

2.  Throw all fattening treats or give them away.  The fewer temptations you have around, the easier it is to resist "just one".  Does this mean I have to throw away my Cadbury's?

3.  Take small bites and eat slowly.  You will think you are eating more and your stomach will have time to signal when you are full.

4.  Eat at least three meals a day.  Skipping a meal will make you so hungry that you will more than make up for it at the next meal.  Avoid lunch and dinner invitations.

5.  Get eight hours sleep.  You will have more will power if you are well rested.  Now, how can I do that?  I am an insomniac.

6.  Fill up on liquids.  Water, black coffee, tea and low-calorie soda will all help fill up an empty stomach.  But no Starbucks stuff please, too fattening but I love them... lol!

7.  Keep busy.  If you tend to nibble while watching television, occupy your hands with something else... maybe read or answer crossword puzzles.

8.  Make a mental note of tips that have helped you the most.  Make them daily habits.  Well I wish some of this tips will help... lol!